New year, same old me. Just a day older

Tomasz Luty
3 min readJan 8, 2023


2023 for me began with a 12 hours sleep as I had to cover night shift at work and I was just way too tired to party or even stay awake till midgnight. I don’t regret that though. For some time now I have prioritised my health, and this comes with choice of food, sleep, hydration etc.

Everything accumulates

I began working out at the age of 20, that was back in 2012, when I got my first proper job abroad. I havent’t really thought about it at that time, I just wanted to get in shape and have a sixpack. Sixpack never came, even 11 years later, but a lot of other things came around. What I wasn’t aware of that constantly harassing my blood vessels would effectively help the body protect itself from a lot of things. I obviously had to add some supplementation, adapt and watch myself as I was going along. I made a few mistakes here and there, but after some time of being in my own bubble I started to see some things. First of all, I made some friends. And those friends almost always had a lot more experience than me and I definitely tried to listen and see how things might work for me. But my body is not the same, I broke myself a few times and also suffered testicle damage during birth and I knew that my muscle growth wouldn’t be as effective.

But having become 30 last year, especially as I look around on dating profiles, and sometimes in the gym, I could see I look a bit younger than other people. And that pretty much was down to pushing to be better every day, and all of sudden I got ahead of a hell of a lot of people.

Where youstart doesn’t mean it has to end this way

You can grow up having everything and end up with nothing, and vice versa. I have seen the first many times, but it takes a lot of strength and courage to do it the other way. My best friend said I pulled a miracle. Not necessarily. Surely high IQ helps a lot with achieving things, but even then it doesn’t guarantee you a success. Every now and then I can see folks whether at the gym or else trying to achieve something. The only difference I saw between them and everybody else was that the achievers were always onto something — a goal, ambition, it has many names. I’m quite sure you must have seen people in your proximity as well.

You shouldn’t sit still once you get to your end

I have to say this out loud. The reason for that is a lot of people once they reach whatever they wanted, they stop. It’s good to have a look back as to what you have done etc, but staying still isn’t a good thing for the long time. I will leave this one with you though.



Tomasz Luty

Someone, who came out of the blue, and conquered the world