Why do men lie?

Tomasz Luty
2 min readSep 19, 2020


I am sitting down watching 24h of Le Mans, one of the best races for fans of motorsport around the world.
But what happened a few hours earlier, might shed a completely different light.
I have been single for around 12 months and being almost 30, well, you can’t lie the nature, I do feel like I need somebody.
The problem is, I got a past. A past that is clinging on me like a chain you can try to ignore, but at some times you just cannot.
When I was 15, I did want to try sex, but nobody stopped.
It ended up… with pregnancy. After a lot of failed promises and attempts to fix, I took a decision to step back from.
People, well women I dated especially, make a judgment on it. The judgment, that on their side is feeling right. But for me, it does feel like a nail to the coffin oftentimes.
I am an honest person. Sometimes too honest, but don’t wait for a change, be the change I guess.
But then the question really comes. And the question is, do I need all of this struggle. Do I need to tell everyone my story the way it is?
The fears can work on you. And that fear perhaps is what makes men lie. And I know women hate to admit, but in current society we can accept their lack, or vulnerability, or whatever. But men cannot, cannot face it fully. Because we get guillotined, often by mistakes that were the consequence of us taking it right but in reality was wrong. And oftentimes, we are on our own. In the place, left by family, left by love.



Tomasz Luty

Someone, who came out of the blue, and conquered the world